For the purpose of this discussion, the innovation that I will be discussing is Super Fast travel. The idea presented, is that individuals would be able to travel to their respective destination faster than normal, due to the dislike and the long hours required for travel. Personally, I think its a good idea and according to other scholars testing is already underway with the development of the technology known as Hypersonic planes (Halal, 2008). With the development of this type of plane, it has been stated that a trip for the east coast of the US to Asia will be condense from 30 hours to 3. Scholars believe that about 30% of long flights will be using this technology by 2028 (Halal, 2008). Are you ready for some JET LAG? Beware of Aerospace International coming near you.
Halal, W. (2008). Technology's Promise: Knowledge on the Transformation of Business and Society. Palgrave Macmillan, NY.